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White Success consist of going from failure to failure without lose of enthusiasm. ©Ishu

#Motivational #Motivation #Success #Failure  White Success consist of going from failure to failure without lose of enthusiasm.

#successfulquotes #Success  White Strive is not to be Success ,but rather than to be of value.


Motivation #Success#successfulquotes

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#Motivational  White Success is not the key to Happiness... Happiness is the key to Success.



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White success is the sum of small efforts- repeated day in and day out ©Ishu

#Motivational  White success is the sum of small efforts- repeated day in and day out



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White The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams ©Ishu

#Motivational #Motivation #Future  White The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams


life ...#Motivation#Future

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