Wiry Girl

Wiry Girl

Playing with words always have been my favorite!!

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#mensturationalday #periodpain #Cramps #Bleed #poem  ❤

I spent hours lying on the bed, unable to move because of pain One week long period accompany by cramps I bled heavily for 4-8 times in a day Menstruation is natural, but the torment is too extreme Pain in lower abdomen, back and medial of thighs Symptoms nausea, diarrhea or headache And much more only if you could ever have this vicarious pain It's hard to be happy when you are feeling shabby

#mensturationalday #periodcramps  I spent hours lying on the bed, unable to move because of pain
One week long period accompany by cramps
I bled heavily for 4-8 times in a day
Menstruation is natural, but the torment is too extreme
Pain in lower abdomen, back and medial of thighs
Symptoms nausea, diarrhea or headache
And much more only if you could ever have this vicarious pain 
It's hard to be happy when you are feeling shabby
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