Manjula  K

Manjula K

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life #womens

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#Quotes  Even
All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,

"You owe me."

What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.

©Manjula  K


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#Nature♥️  There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ...

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. ...

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

©Manjula  K

candle #Nature♥️

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It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone. You have to stand for what you believe in and sometimes you have to stand alone. There is no support so strong as the strength that enables one to stand alone. ©Manjula K

#Quotes  It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone. You have to stand for what you believe in and sometimes you have to stand alone. There is no support so strong as the strength that enables one to stand alone.

©Manjula  K

man  #instagood

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lonely #lonelyquotes

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#womanequality #Quotes  If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” “Before God, we are all equally wise, and equally foolish.” “Equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions.” “Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society.

©Manjula  K

#womanequality women's equality

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