Aman Jaiswal

Aman Jaiswal

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Travel & Explore because Money returns, time doesn't. 3days to go...

#Travel  Travel & Explore
Money returns, time doesn't.

3days to go...


6 Love

Travel & Explore because Money returns but Time doesn't.

#Travel  Travel & Explore
Money returns but Time doesn't.


6 Love

Sucess is in my DNA, I don't have a choice, I fight to the end.

#Success  Sucess is in my DNA,
I don't have a choice,
I fight to the end.


3 Love

Not all "Love Stories" starts over coffee...

#BeerLove  Not all "Love Stories" starts over


2 Love

A satisfied Life is better than a successful Life, Because our success is measured by others, but our satisfaction is measured by our Mind Heart & Soul

 A satisfied Life is better 
than a successful Life,
Because our success is
 measured by others,
but our satisfaction is 
measured by our
Mind Heart & Soul

A satisfied Life is better than a successful Life, Because our success is measured by others, but our satisfaction is measured by our Mind Heart & Soul

3 Love

First they'll ignore you, Then they'll laugh at you, Then they fight with you, Then you'll WIN.

#Attitude  First they'll ignore you,
Then they'll laugh at you,
Then they fight with you,
Then you'll WIN.


2 Love

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