Manya Malhotra

Manya Malhotra

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#friendsforever #celebration #goodbye2022 #friends #newyear  Happy new year to my all #nozoto friends❤️❤️

Happy new year to my #Nozoto family❤️🎉🎊 #newyear #celebration #newyear #2023 #goodbye2022 #friends #friendsforever #Nozoto

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Run after excellence, success will run after you. ©Manya Malhotra

#Excellence #Success  Run after excellence, success will run after you.

©Manya Malhotra

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. ©Manya Malhotra

#Destination #ReachingTop #Success #Reach  You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

©Manya Malhotra

Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success ©Manya Malhotra

#partoflife #Success #Failure  Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success

©Manya Malhotra

Junior Lawyers are Not Slaves, Pay Them Decent Salaries; Legal Profession Should Not Be An "Old Boys' Club" - CJI DY Chandrachud ©Manya Malhotra

#ModernSociety #Motivational #SupremeCourt #younglawyer #youngindia  Junior Lawyers are Not Slaves, Pay Them Decent Salaries; Legal Profession Should Not Be An "Old Boys' Club" 

- CJI DY Chandrachud

©Manya Malhotra

"One step towards upliftment of young lawyers" #younglawyer #Advocate #youngindia #ModernSociety #people #SupremeCourt #cji

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#myexperience #Goals #diary
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