Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff

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the air talks happiness and sings for joy so the trees will always dance to the rhythm

#Quote  the air talks happiness 
and sings for joy 
so the trees will always 
dance to the rhythm

I see the stars and wonder what they look like on the other side

 I see the stars and wonder what they look like on the other side

If the ladder to success is to long then start hemming make it short

 If the ladder to success is to long 
then start hemming 
make it short

make life easy for you

53 Love

Be good to the people on your way up the ladder because they could meet you on the way down

 Be good to the people
on your way up the ladder 
because they could meet you on the way down

that's the way it is

44 Love

I love you

#Quote  I love you


48 Love

He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life

#Quote  He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life

never snitch

49 Love

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