Shweta Ahamad

Shweta Ahamad Lives in Kolkata, West Bengal, India


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I don't care if you ever forget me. I hope God reminds you each and every torment you caused me. I hope you remember how you got down on my feet and cried "Please forgive me". Remember that I could take all revenge on you, but I gave you another chance. That was the kindness in me; and again thinking that I will spare you was the biggest mistake of yours.

#notforgiven #nojotoapp #featureme #Original #writers #Cheater  I don't care if you ever forget me.
I hope God reminds you each and every torment you caused me.
I hope you remember how you got down on my feet and cried 
"Please forgive me".
Remember that I could take all revenge on you, but I gave you another chance. That was the kindness in me; and again thinking that I will spare you was the biggest mistake of yours.

#Happiness #Nightmare #Beautiful #featureme #Reality #Nojoto
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