Min Haaj

Min Haaj

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Quenching the thrist, spontaneous overflow of the romantic brust, "water" the name of love and sanctity, the livelihood and life itself, it is the word of the God, coming straight from the heavens, with a token of life. #water

#Water  Quenching the thrist,
spontaneous overflow of the romantic brust,
"water" the name of love and sanctity,
the livelihood and life itself,
it is the word of the God, coming straight from the heavens, with a token of life.

day of water, day of life #Water

9 Love

#Bekhayali #dardOgam #Yaad #poem

Bekhayali hi bekhayali h #Bekhayali #dardOgam #Yaad

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#Bekhayali #belhayali #chalange #dardOgam #Yaad

Bekhayali hi bekhayali h #Bekhayali #dardOgam #Yaad #belhayali #chalange #nojoto

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the speech yet to be delivered

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