Ahluwalia Vandana

Ahluwalia Vandana

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#where_is_my_train  White जिंदगी एक सफर है जो शुरू होता है जन्म से और खत्म होता है मृत्यु से

©Ahluwalia Vandana

Not ever time real winner is winner or looser is losser. somtime most fact are depend .you win and lose. ©Ahluwalia Vandana

#Quotes  Not ever time real  winner is winner or looser is losser. somtime most fact are depend .you win and lose.

©Ahluwalia Vandana

reality of lif

10 Love

Dad is my life🥰🥰🥰🥰 i love u sooo much papa. without your support my life is nothing ©Ahluwalia Vandana

#Quotes  Dad is my life🥰🥰🥰🥰 i love u sooo much papa. without your support my life is nothing

©Ahluwalia Vandana

love you papa

8 Love

never wait the right time. every time is right. ©Ahluwalia Vandana

 never wait the right time. every time is right.

©Ahluwalia Vandana

righ ti

11 Love

 love is lesson of the life . mother love the blessing . farther love give the motivate of hardworking. brother love give the lesson of how fight with difficult cult time. sister love give the lesson enjoy the life. and husband love live long life🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍

©Ahluwalia Vandana

love is lesson of the life . mother love the blessing . farther love give the motivate of hardworking. brother love give the lesson of how fight with difficult cult time. sister love give the lesson enjoy the life. and husband love live long life🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍 ©Ahluwalia Vandana

137 View

#Quotes  in all the world  everything which is creating by god give a new lesson of life . fresh morning forget past . live present. ocean water always going on never stop. flower always give the somthing to other.

©Ahluwalia Vandana

in all the world everything which is creating by god give a new lesson of life . fresh morning forget past . live present. ocean water always going on never stop. flower always give the somthing to other. ©Ahluwalia Vandana

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