Nitesh Nia

Nitesh Nia

seeking for mind satisfaction

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niteshnia - model ©Nitesh Nia

#niteshniapic #Modeling  niteshnia - model

©Nitesh Nia

#smile like you don't care ©Nitesh Nia

#niteshniapic #Smile  #smile like you don't care

©Nitesh Nia

problems are not actually problem but it's kind of seeding for new ideas and evolution ©Nitesh Nia

 problems are not actually problem but it's kind of seeding for new ideas and evolution

©Nitesh Nia

problems are not actually problem but it's kind of seeding for new ideas and evolution ©Nitesh Nia

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🗒️🤖👨‍🏭👨‍🔧 ©Nitesh Nia

#EngineerDay  🗒️🤖👨‍🏭👨‍🔧

©Nitesh Nia


13 Love

- Time take turn for evryone, so be polity if it's ur turn. - you get paid for your deeds, good for good bad for bad. - ego destroy the humanity in you and everything. - Time is  something that alwys keep teaching you. - you live once so divide it in parts and experience all phases. - be thankful for getting problems in your life that's what spice up your flavorless life. - you can never satisfy your all wishes. it's interminable because evrytym ya achieve one the other one would be rooted already in u. ©Nitesh Nia

 - Time take turn for evryone, so be polity if it's ur turn.
- you get paid for your deeds, good for good bad for bad.
- ego destroy the humanity in you and everything. 
- Time is  something that alwys keep teaching you.
- you live once so divide it in parts and experience all phases.
- be thankful for getting problems in your life that's what spice up your flavorless life.
- you can never satisfy your all wishes. it's interminable because evrytym ya achieve one the other one would be rooted already in u.

©Nitesh Nia

- Time take turn for evryone, so be polity if it's ur turn. - you get paid for your deeds, good for good bad for bad. - ego destroy the humanity in you and everything. - Time is  something that alwys keep teaching you. - you live once so divide it in parts and experience all phases. - be thankful for getting problems in your life that's what spice up your flavorless life. - you can never satisfy your all wishes. it's interminable because evrytym ya achieve one the other one would be rooted already in u. ©Nitesh Nia

11 Love

Before doing something new you ask yourself *jyada se jyada kya galat/nuksaan hoga* but what if instead of asking that we ask ourselves if, "what's the best that could happen?" ©Nitesh Nia

#Believe   Before doing something new you ask yourself 
*jyada se jyada kya galat/nuksaan hoga*

but what if instead of asking that we ask ourselves if, "what's the best that could happen?"

©Nitesh Nia

nitesh nia thoughts #Believe

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