White Liz didn't leave me,
She died,
there's a difference,
so to everyone out there,
who's made fun of me, mocked me, tossed me,
flossed me, washed me, judged me,
as I spiralled down towards the black hole
of my emotional n physical galaxy,
placed bets on me that I would end me,
commit suicide that's what they told me,
so to everyone who's downplayed me,
I swear on her love, that I won't end me,
I'll leave this planet when God wants me,
I am someone who's been flirting,
with death for 5 years and still,
alive, an insignificant soul waging,
his own war against the atrocities,
of the society, with nothing to lose,
I am ready to fight and die for my cause,
which infact is not just mine,
but a lot of lives, so tell them to leave me be,
for I won't hesitate to bring down a niggling,
version of kamikaze down at their feet,
I'll take them all out with me,
via my lyrical and drumming wrath,
For I am a lover turned a warrior...
best of luck trying figuring me..
©Akhil Kael
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