Sweta singh 888

Sweta singh 888

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@Mayank Vaishnav Jassi Jass @Raman Pratap Singh @Vishal tripathi Abhishek sharma🎶

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Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you ©Sweta singh 888

#coldnights  Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you

©Sweta singh 888


32 Love

I tried ending the pain.... but little did I know, it's was the pain that was keeping me alive😣 ©Sweta singh 888

#you  I tried ending the pain.... but little did I know, it's was the pain that was keeping me alive😣

©Sweta singh 888

#you&Me Jassi Jass @Mayank Vaishnav @SAN KHAN OFFICIAL @Vishal tripathi Abhishek sharma🎶

32 Love

You broke my heart and I don't know how to live with a broken heart 💔💔 ©Sweta singh 888

#Sunrise  You broke my heart and I don't know how to live with a broken heart 💔💔

©Sweta singh 888
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