

खामोशियां बेवजह नहीं होती... कुछ दर्द आवाज छीन लिया करते हैं...✨

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when you're blushing for no reason it means you are in love

 when you're blushing for no reason it means you are in love

when you're blushing for no reason it means you are in love

5 Love

#trysomethingnew #spreadinglove #Friendship #Comment #smiling #exited

You really don't have any idea about the situations from which people are suffering so be kind always don't let your ego hurt someone's feeling...

#loveyourself #shinelikesun #bekind #Happy #Leave #peace  You really don't have any idea about the situations from which people are suffering 
so be kind always 
don't let your ego 
hurt someone's feeling...

follow me for more beautiful quote like this☮️ #Leave #Happy #bekind #peace #smil #loveyourself #shinelikesun

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If your definition of perfection is not matching with someone else doesn't mean that they are imperfect...

 If your definition of perfection is not matching with someone else doesn't mean that they are imperfect...

✒️☮️ let me know if you like it...🕊️

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