Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty, O.F.S, son of Raj Kishore and Shantilata Mohanty, born at Padmapur, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha on 1.1.1963 is a multilingual poet, essayist and writer. He is a published poet and writer and a featured poet of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry. His writings include essays, short stories, poems and novels which are published in newspapers and in various national and international magazines, journals and anthologies. Working as Finance Officer in Govt of Odisha, he writes extensively on life, its beauty and intricacies which are widely acclaimed. Poems are published in Mother Anthology by Hall of Poets, Voices of Aspirants by Poetry Planet, Mother by Poetry for Peace, Let the men speak for peace, Aroma of wilting petals, Anupam Bharat, Sourav, The Rock Pebbles, Symphony of Souls, Serious &Hilarious, Heartistry, World poetry on let there be peace, Complexion based discrimination global insight, Thought and Nature Anthology, New Creative Anteriority, Spring Window to peace, Indo African Anthology, Love at first sight, Spilling Essences, You and Me, A new beginning, Heart to Heart, Only you, My Valentine, Whispering Hearts, Poetic Rainbow, Fragrance of Asia, The Harmony, Sahitya Anand, East meets the West, Symphony of Peace, Pearls of Poesy, Ambrosia, International Anthology on Autism, Stars, Sky and Poiesis, Rain Drops of Love, Smrutire Parijat, Peace Lover, GloMag, Feb 2019, Tranquil Muse, Medley of Melodies, Nostalgia, Rise to Higher Essence, Cherry Toppings, Inked Thoughts, Whispering Poiesis, Rippling of Peace, Creative Anteriority, World for Piece, Traumas on Widows, Holistic Healing of Widow, The Global Literati Insights Research Journal, 1st issue 2018 etc. Poems are also featured in online magazines like, our poetry archive, GloMag etc., Poem, Destiny poets, Different truths,

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#Emotional_Shayari  White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-83

Far away from this world and
its fascinating corridor,
pelf and power,
beauty and grandeur,
lives my friend in a remote corner.

Poor in wealth and intellect but
lives a life full and contented.
Modest are his possessions,
fewer are his demands,
dreams and aspirations.
Accepts life as it comes,
things as they are,
never grumbles,
never hesitates to express himself,
and jumps like a kid,
when his petty wishes are on the way.

Begins his day with a smile on face 
and hymn in the air.
Retires to bed with a mind,
lively and fresh,
free from worries and anxieties,
at the feet of the Almighty

I envy the life he leads
in the lap of nature and close to divinity,
the way he spends his time,
interacts with his better half and kids,
the simplicity with
which he goes on with life,
without having an ounce of hypocrisy.

His world is small,
but fascinating,
fully drenched with the colours
of life and its natural beauty.

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#Emotional_Shayari SOMETHING I LOOK AT-83 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Far away from this world and its fascinating corridor, pelf and power, beauty and grandeur, lives my friend in a remote corner.

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#sad_quotes  White SOMETHING I LOOK AT -1


I love you,
you have in you
the sentiments and emotions of all
from a child in his teens
to an old guard
looking at the world
through a pair of coloured glasses
and repenting
why you were not there
when he was as
young and cheerful as you are.

l like you,
you have witnessed,
love and frustration,
agony and apathy,
emotions at extreme,
yet remained indifferent
untouched by it.

You are a good friend,
you never carry me away,
and let me
lose touch with reality
and a platform
to look at me
and the world around
with all dexterity.

I love you,
you have in you
the beauties of the world,
the thought of present
and the passion
of yesteryears.

I like the way
you carried yourself
over the years
silently enduring
the sorrows and happinesses
unfolded on you.
You remained within
but above it,
only carried some likes,
and comments
which are never yours.

I do not know
if it is facebook
on which I share views,
or it is the mirror
I daily look at.

copyright@smruti ranjan 1.6.2015

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sad_quotes SOMETHING I LOOK AT -1 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY ? I love you, you have in you the sentiments and emotions of all

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#sunset_time  White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-116

               LOVE SPEAKS

When love speaks,
it speaks through the  eyes, 
the communication is from one heart to 
the other, 
which no organs of sense can convey better.
In between two oceans of love,
two pairs of eyes meditating on each other
and two dispassionately passionate hearts silently longing for each other 
there is nothing but waves of bliss, emanating from each.
In between two pairs of glittering eyes and beating hearts, there is nothing but love, a consciousness beyond body and mind 

Eyes speak and hearts connect each other the way, no organ can.
One sees nothing but his or her replica in other's eyes loses in the ocean of love. 
Hours go by, but the spell remains with none attempting to come out of heaven.

That is love at its fascinating best.
Love happens once, descends as bliss, so different from lovemaking, a deliberate attempt to fall in love.
Lovemaking is for moments, love is for eternity.
Lovemaking becomes so nice and absorbing when one understands the meaning of love sublime.
The more you close the gap, the more your eyes stop to meditate, hearts fail to reciprocate and start to wander,  the less your love remains a consciousness and comes down to the physical domain.

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sunset_time SOMETHING I LOOK AT-116 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY LOVE SPEAKS When love speaks, it speaks through the eyes, the communication is from one heart to

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The more
I look at you,
the more
I peep into the past
and go down the memory lane,
the more I fall in love.

I envy
the life you lead
in the midst of nature,
the modest belonging
and petty wishes
you had.

I have the avenues
that make life
easy and comfortable
but lack 
that emotion and passion,
and am a lonely man
in the midst of a crowd.

Life is hectic and fast,
runs as if a machine
dedicated to its task,
no time for the other,
love and reciprocation,
modern man is
devoid of a heart.

l long for
the life you lived
and the death you had,
close to self,
in nature's lap.

copyright@smruti Ranjan 31.5.2015

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

SOMETHING I LOOK AT-10 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY The more I look at you, the more I peep into the past and go down the memory lane,

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#flowers  White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-29

Petals are falling,
but not the flower
Beauty is no more,
but the fragrance is still there

Gone are the days and nights,
nice and captivating.
But the memory is here,
enough to intoxicate us forever

Let me see you once more,
in the fading light of the sun to
rediscover that love, fascination
and longing which we had for each other

copyright@smruti ranjan 1.3.2017

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#flowers SOMETHING I LOOK AT-29 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Petals are falling, but not the flower Beauty is no more, but the fragrance is still there

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#sad_quotes  White A LOOK AT LIFE-116


My Father!
I do not know
How and why I came here?
Probably it is thy will for which I am here 
But instead of watching your drama
Like a silent none possessive, 
Unassuming spectator 
Became an actor, a part of the drama
Considered myself to be the hero
Around whom the world revolved 
I became a playwright 
Did my own screenplay
Composed my own lyrics 
Sung my own songs 
Thought the world around to be exclusively mine.

My Lord!
I acted as if I was the doer
I became the centre 
You left my hands, silently disappeared 
I became the prisoner of my own actions 
No way I could escape from
My karmic debts and deposits 
I created that bondage for me
Enjoyed and endured the fruits of my actions.

My Father!
Bondage I need no more 
In the journey of life
This is my return journey
Let the 'I' in me
My body, mind, possessions 
Actions and fruits of actions be 
At your lotus feet 
Let my eyes see you only
My ears listen to your divine melody 
My senses perceive nothing but you only
With my tired limbs and mind
Have to go miles till I reach 
Help me, my father! I can carry myself 
To the destination 
I know nothing, actions, fruits of actions
Debts and deposits 
Knowledge and devotion 
Dualism, non-dualism and qualified non-dualism 
I know one thing only
I have nothing\none with me 
Except You, my father
I know you can not leave me in the mid-sea 
You will bring me safely ashore 
If my love is genuine 
Ensure my surrender, make it complete 
Ensure! my mind never moves away even for a fraction of a second  from your lotus feet 
Be with me my father
Heaven or hell, do not matter 
I know my father is with me forever 
Here and hereafter.

Smruti Ranjan Mohan

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sad_quotes A LOOK AT LIFE-116 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY THE RETURN JOURNEY My Father! I do not know How and why I came here?

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