Rohan eddy

Rohan eddy

happy Go lucky guy

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Ego not my cup of tea

#Popular #instant #foryou #viral  Ego not my cup of tea

Family You all are my family who read this massage

#nojototrendings #nojotopopular #Popular #instant #Family  Family You all are my
 family who read this

War and Peace caption lie itself !!! there is no peace after war !

#nojototrend #peace #Truth #Lie #War  War and Peace  caption lie itself !!!
there is no peace after war !

Mistake mistake is kind of necessary to achieve success don't hide from it face it

#trendings #Mistake #foryou #viral  Mistake   mistake is kind of necessary to achieve success 
don't hide from it face it

Truth and Lie truth is lie in actual while lie has so much truth

#Trending #foryou #viral  Truth and Lie truth is lie in actual 
lie has so much truth

Mind and Heart mind & 💓 is like accessibly incomplete without each other connecting you with different world

#trendings #connect #foryou #Heart #world  Mind and Heart  mind & 💓 is like accessibly incomplete without each other
connecting you with different world
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