Adie Chidubem

Adie Chidubem Lives in Abuja, Federal Capital Terr, Nigeria

Cryptocurrency Educator and Blockchain Analyst

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Cryptocurrency is not a Ponzi Scheme or a Networking Pyramid, It is a Digital Currency that has come to replace paper Money. ©Adie Chidubem

#worldlaughterday #cryptocurrency #Blockchain #nojohindi  Cryptocurrency is not a Ponzi Scheme or a Networking Pyramid, It is a Digital Currency that has come to replace paper Money.

©Adie Chidubem

The Idea of Cryptography in Blockchain is not to rob Peter and pay Paul but to excuse the Government, the Central Banking System and every other Interloper from interfering with the assets and privacy of well meaning citizens while making the blocks of transactions public. ©Adie Chidubem

#cryptocurrency #cryptography #nojoto2021 #Crypto  The Idea of Cryptography in Blockchain is not to rob Peter and pay Paul but to excuse the Government, the Central Banking System and every other Interloper from interfering with the assets and privacy of well meaning citizens while making the blocks of transactions public.

©Adie Chidubem

There are no such ministry as the deliverance ministry, healing ministry, prophetic ministry; for there is only one ministry which is the ministry of Reconciliation and there are only five offices of that ministry, of which the office of the Apostles has been taken by the 12; and by qualifications, women can't be Pastors and Teachers. For we have through the scriptures, tried those who called themselves Apostles, woman Pastors and Deaconesses in this present time and found them all but liars, from such turn away.

 There are no such ministry as the deliverance ministry, healing ministry, prophetic ministry; for there is only one ministry which is the ministry of Reconciliation and there are only five offices of that ministry, of which the office of the Apostles has been taken by the 12; and by qualifications, women can't be Pastors and Teachers. For we have through the scriptures, tried those who called themselves Apostles, woman Pastors and Deaconesses in this present time and found them all but liars, from such turn away.

There are no such ministry as the deliverance ministry, healing ministry, prophetic ministry; for there is only one ministry which is the ministry of Reconciliation and there are only five offices of that ministry, of which the office of the Apostles has been taken by the 12; and by qualifications, women can't be Pastors and Teachers. For we have through the scriptures, tried those who called themselves Apostles, woman Pastors and Deaconesses in this present time and found them all but liars, from such turn away.

7 Love

Love becomes cheap when feeling is minus sacrifice and expensive when it isn't shown in return. – Abodunde Favour & Adie Chidubem

#thought  Love becomes cheap when feeling is minus sacrifice
 and expensive when it isn't shown in return.

– Abodunde Favour & Adie Chidubem

Love becomes cheap when feeling is minus sacrifice and expensive when it isn't shown in return. – Abodunde Favour & Adie Chidubem

6 Love

#Possibilities #myvoice

#myvoice #Possibilities #nojoto

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