Sunbul arfi

Sunbul arfi Lives in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan


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care originates from love. But love has different taste so care has also the different regions.

#Care  care originates from love.  But love has different taste so care has also the different regions.


10 Love


because crying alone makes me strong.... and make me to face my problems and emotions on my own.

#alone #cry  because crying alone makes me strong.... and make me to face my problems and emotions on my own.

#cry #alone

7 Love

we don't get satisfaction.... because we have an eye on other people's things....

#Satisfaction  we don't get satisfaction.... because we have an eye on other people's things....

#Revenge in 4 words... revenge is killing ourself.

#revenge  #Revenge in 4 words... 

revenge is killing ourself.

#revenge in 4 words

11 Love


is #Beautiful

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