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#poem  "Unspoken Depths"

Let words flow, emotions show.
Eyes speak when voice is low.

Not all needs to be expressed,
A gaze can convey the rest.

In this depth of emotions vast,
Hide some things, some meant to last.

Understand some things unsaid,
Clearly express what needs to be read.

Calm the clashing waves within,
Hand in hand, let's journey begin.

Seek answers, don't stray from the road,
In actions, find your life's code.

Control the mind, let reason reign,
Seize the moment, cast away pain.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem emphasizes the importance of unspoken communication and taking action to achieve life's goals.

126 View

#poem  "Whispers of Time"

Moments play, then vanish unseen,
Bringing joy, sorrow, in between.

Felt or hidden, they hold our story,
Guiding us onward, whispering glory.

Ocean of life, or empty cup,
Moments rule us, never give up.

Smiling faces, they bring us light,
Holding happiness and darkest night.

Seen or unseen, they witness all,
A king's grandeur, or a pauper's fall.

Forever lasting, their purpose holds true,
Lessons to learn, for me and you.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem teaches us to cherish and make the most of every moment, as they are fleeting yet hold immense power to shape our lives.

126 View

#poem  "Woman - An Embodiment of Power"

Each step she takes, a testament to her power,
Wisdom flows from her like a boundless shower.

Her heart, vast and serene, a guiding light,
In her spirit, freedom takes its flight.

Her voice, a melody that resonates strong,
Her will, unyielding, against all wrong.

A modern woman, forging ahead with grace,
Every challenge met, she bravely face.

Motherhood's love, a force divine,
Strength and compassion in every line.

With a heart as vast as the endless sky,
She conquers all with a resolute eye.

From dawn to dusk, her work never ends,
A sculptor of life, where love transcends.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The moral of the poem is to celebrate and acknowledge the empowerment, strength, and contributions of women in society.

135 View

#poem  "Honeyed Bonds"

Free spirit, joyful dance,
No knowledge or wisdom's trance,
Binds the soul in sweet romance,
Love's trap, a blissful trance.

New light dawns, mind takes flight,
Lost in mirages, day and night,
Pure heart bathed in gentle light,
Yet lured back to darkness' might.

Ever fleeting, ever frail,
Success or sorrow, life's tale,
Moments turn, a woven veil,
New bonds formed, love's sweet jail.

Mind vast as sky, then fades to black,
Slow steps walk a winding track,
Caught within, there's no turning back,
Love's sweet cage, on life's long track.

Freedom sought, a path so wide,
Milk and sugar, can't hide,
Wrinkled brow, nowhere to hide,
Love's tapestry, life's flowing tide.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem teaches the importance of transcending worldly desires to attain spiritual liberation and inner purity.

81 View

#poem  **"Tranquil Tempest "**

Restless mind, body seeks calm,
Each moment besieged, peace is a balm.

Thoughts whirl, storms within,
Seeking solace, where to begin?

Yearning for peace, shackles bound tight,
Past moments haunt, future's plight.

Taming the mind, a fleeting quest,
Breath held in fear, heart in unrest.

Lost in the maze, footsteps stray,
Body weary, soul in disarray.

Restless mind, seeking repose,
In the storm's eye, tranquility rose.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The moral of the poem "Tranquil Tempest" is to find inner peace amidst life's chaos.

135 View

#poem  "Fading Light"

Dim light, love near, silent tears fall.
Half a year lost, a love's broken wall.

Reaching hand, met with empty space.
Her coldness, a wound on his heart's embrace.

Yearning touch, a withdrawn embrace.
Love's vow fades, lost in night's chase.

Flickering flame, a heart's silent plea.
Love once soared, now struggles to be.

Desolate nights, lost in despair's hold.
Love's fire wanes, a story untold.

Duty binds, to hearts yet to break.
Laughter's echo, for a love's sweet sake.

Staying or leaving, a love's slow demise.
Can hope's embers still ignite love's skies?

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem "Fading Light" highlights the fading of love over time and the potential for rekindling if efforts are made to nurture the re

126 View

#poem  "Unspoken Depths"

Let words flow, emotions show.
Eyes speak when voice is low.

Not all needs to be expressed,
A gaze can convey the rest.

In this depth of emotions vast,
Hide some things, some meant to last.

Understand some things unsaid,
Clearly express what needs to be read.

Calm the clashing waves within,
Hand in hand, let's journey begin.

Seek answers, don't stray from the road,
In actions, find your life's code.

Control the mind, let reason reign,
Seize the moment, cast away pain.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem emphasizes the importance of unspoken communication and taking action to achieve life's goals.

126 View

#poem  "Whispers of Time"

Moments play, then vanish unseen,
Bringing joy, sorrow, in between.

Felt or hidden, they hold our story,
Guiding us onward, whispering glory.

Ocean of life, or empty cup,
Moments rule us, never give up.

Smiling faces, they bring us light,
Holding happiness and darkest night.

Seen or unseen, they witness all,
A king's grandeur, or a pauper's fall.

Forever lasting, their purpose holds true,
Lessons to learn, for me and you.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem teaches us to cherish and make the most of every moment, as they are fleeting yet hold immense power to shape our lives.

126 View

#poem  "Woman - An Embodiment of Power"

Each step she takes, a testament to her power,
Wisdom flows from her like a boundless shower.

Her heart, vast and serene, a guiding light,
In her spirit, freedom takes its flight.

Her voice, a melody that resonates strong,
Her will, unyielding, against all wrong.

A modern woman, forging ahead with grace,
Every challenge met, she bravely face.

Motherhood's love, a force divine,
Strength and compassion in every line.

With a heart as vast as the endless sky,
She conquers all with a resolute eye.

From dawn to dusk, her work never ends,
A sculptor of life, where love transcends.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The moral of the poem is to celebrate and acknowledge the empowerment, strength, and contributions of women in society.

135 View

#poem  "Honeyed Bonds"

Free spirit, joyful dance,
No knowledge or wisdom's trance,
Binds the soul in sweet romance,
Love's trap, a blissful trance.

New light dawns, mind takes flight,
Lost in mirages, day and night,
Pure heart bathed in gentle light,
Yet lured back to darkness' might.

Ever fleeting, ever frail,
Success or sorrow, life's tale,
Moments turn, a woven veil,
New bonds formed, love's sweet jail.

Mind vast as sky, then fades to black,
Slow steps walk a winding track,
Caught within, there's no turning back,
Love's sweet cage, on life's long track.

Freedom sought, a path so wide,
Milk and sugar, can't hide,
Wrinkled brow, nowhere to hide,
Love's tapestry, life's flowing tide.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem teaches the importance of transcending worldly desires to attain spiritual liberation and inner purity.

81 View

#poem  **"Tranquil Tempest "**

Restless mind, body seeks calm,
Each moment besieged, peace is a balm.

Thoughts whirl, storms within,
Seeking solace, where to begin?

Yearning for peace, shackles bound tight,
Past moments haunt, future's plight.

Taming the mind, a fleeting quest,
Breath held in fear, heart in unrest.

Lost in the maze, footsteps stray,
Body weary, soul in disarray.

Restless mind, seeking repose,
In the storm's eye, tranquility rose.

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The moral of the poem "Tranquil Tempest" is to find inner peace amidst life's chaos.

135 View

#poem  "Fading Light"

Dim light, love near, silent tears fall.
Half a year lost, a love's broken wall.

Reaching hand, met with empty space.
Her coldness, a wound on his heart's embrace.

Yearning touch, a withdrawn embrace.
Love's vow fades, lost in night's chase.

Flickering flame, a heart's silent plea.
Love once soared, now struggles to be.

Desolate nights, lost in despair's hold.
Love's fire wanes, a story untold.

Duty binds, to hearts yet to break.
Laughter's echo, for a love's sweet sake.

Staying or leaving, a love's slow demise.
Can hope's embers still ignite love's skies?

©Santosh Jangam

#poem The poem "Fading Light" highlights the fading of love over time and the potential for rekindling if efforts are made to nurture the re

126 View

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